Behind a perfect machine there is always the hand of a man
We are able to receive all type of files and to work on them with the main graphics software on both Mac and PC platforms. Our system is completely computerized and is managed by a sophisticated programme, Heidelberg. The file is prepared and then transferred to a plate by two Topsetter automatic CTP (Computer to Plate) systems, which are able to produce 48 plates every hour.
It only takes a few minutes to prepare a plate that is ready for production. If you are all for the traditional method of pre-checking the blueprints, you can count on our numerous peripherals for the production of digital cromalin and draft copies. Alternatively, we offer the possibility to check the electronic draft sent by e-mail, generated by special software, Print Ready.
- 6 Macintosh stations for DTP
- 2 plotters for producing digital proofs and color proofs
- 2 stations for papermaking design
- 1 digital printer for medium production with finishing
- 1 Computer to Plate SUPRASETTER Heidelberg
- 1 ZUND carving plotter